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belum lagi bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "belum lagi"
  • belum:    do not already; do not yet; had not already; had
  • lagi:    again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another;
  • belum:    do not already; do not yet; had not already; had not been; had not yet; hasn't; have not; have not already; have not been; have not so; have not yet; not yet; under done; no; non; crudely; not; artl
  • lagi:    again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another; any more; in the act (of); in return; furthermore; ayein; as well; any longer; any; agyen; other; still; repeatedly; further; what is more; ayen; more
  • lagi-lagi:    time and again; more and more; again and again; over and over; increasingly; progressively; over and over again; time and time again
  • lagi dan lagi:    by and by; so and so
  • belum beristeri:    bachelor
  • belum berkembang:    undeveloped; fallow; aborted
  • belum berpengalaman:    born yesterday; wet behind the ears; new to
  • belum biasa:    not as yet common
  • belum cocok:    not ready
  • belum dewasa:    immature; callow; impuberal; unripe
  • belum diasah:    uncut
  • belum dibayar:    owing
  • belum dibersihkan:    unexpurgated
  • Not to mention bicoastal theme parks dubbed "Mooby World."
    Belum lagi bicoastal taman Dijuluki "Dunia Mooby."
  • Not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever.
    Belum lagi Ella Fitzgerald terbesar yang pernah ada.
  • Plus I'm thinking of opening my own place.
    Belum lagi aku berfikir untuk membuka tempat sendiri.
  • Happens and that's not supposed to be in there.
    dan itu belum lagi kalau berada disana.
  • Not to mention all the money we would lose.
    Belum lagi semua uang kita akan hilang.
  • How can you leave when you're still not well yet?
    Bagaimana bisa Anda belum lagi baikan?
  • Not to mention the tools you met here.
    Belum lagi alat yang Anda bertemu di sini.
  • I'm trying to hold onto my sanity, not to mention my job.
    belum lagi soal pekerjaanku.
  • Not to mention the mess you've left here.
    Belum lagi kotoran yang kau buat di sini.
  • Not to mention a potential path to immortality.
    Belum lagi sebuah potensi kecil yang bersifat kekal.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5